Jon Lauters

Web Application Developer

Web Developer who specializes in PHP, Javascript and Python based solutions.


Midtown Chimney Sweeps Public Site

Rethemed a partially designed WordPress theme started by a differented development firm. Simplified Admin backend for easier content editing by creating custom post types with associated custom meta boxes. Wrapped franchise location information in appropriate markup.

Oxi Fresh Public Site

Took existing fixed dimension HTML layout and made responsive with Bootstrap 3 with emphasis on keeping the new responsive elements consistent with fixed dimension layout while allowing for responsive fluidity. Added custom content-type module to Drupal 6 CMS for Local City Profile page entries. Relevent location information was wrapped in markup.

Get Alma Teaser // Full Site

Small vertical scroll site built on WordPress and Bootstrap 3 to promote School Current's new school management cloud app. This was later expanded into a multipage vertical scroll site, WordPress was replaced with Jekyll as the glue to hold it all together and allow for ease of layout & design growth.

Specify Web Search Portal for University of Colorado Natural History Museum

Configured Apache Solr for multicore to serve up multiple indexed fossil specimen collections for CUNHM's Invertebrate Paleontology collection as well as the Florissant fossilized plant collection. In addition to Solr, this project also used an EXT.js application and Python based (bottle) web asset server built by the dev team for Specify.

Multispecialty Physician Partners

Implemented a Shared Document Resource area for logged in users. Built on WordPress.

Armada Medical Marketing

I came into the Armada project mid development and helped finished up functionality in the "What We Do" section as well as make some tweaks to the responsive design media queries to ensure a good layout for modern mobile devices and web browsers.

Fossil Insect Collaborative Digitization Project

I created a simple WordPress site to serve as a centralized information source for the NSF Funded fossilized insect digitization project undergoing at the Univeristy of Colorado's Natural History Museum along with several other academic institutions across the US.

Water Tech

I came in towards the end of the Water Tech project to fill in where another developer had left off. My focus on this project was to finish up customizations of a Code Canyon ( Store Locator Plugin that used the Google Maps API for reverse geocoding and location services. I also made changes to a CSV file import to allow the client an easy solution to updating their various supported territories.

Open Projects

These are a collection of late night ideas and small pieces of code from project work I find myself repeating frequently.